Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

We went out of town to celebrate the 4th with my family. We brought a few fireworks, but we realized we were going to want more, so we loaded the kids in the wagon and headed for the nearest stand.

They sold my sister this box of poppers for $4! The kids did about 30 boxes before supper.

After they were done throwing them, they took turns rolling over them to get any they might have missed.

The kids also helped Grandpa shuck corn.

My dad's birthday is Monday, so we went ahead and celebrated while we were all there. There was not much of the cake left by this morning!

The kids loved watching the smoke bombs!

This was Jack's first time to try sparklers, and probably his last until he seeks therapy. He got burned by a spark and refused to get anywhere near them the rest of the night.

Jack loves to sit on Jay's shoulders!

Someone put on an amazing show. It went on forever and they had some really big stuff.

And of course I was especially glad to be able to celebrate this 4th of July with my favorite veteran!


  1. What fun, Jen! I cannot imagine going to buy fireworks! Here in NJ they are illegal to buy so there are no stands/stores that sell them. We can get sparklers and poppers, but no fireworks!

  2. Great pictures! Sounds like you had an All American good time. Ours was good too, just full of a little family drama, but hey, I was with the in-laws what do you expect!
