Thursday, July 24, 2008

Summer Reading: Update & Giveaway

Ms. Kim is going to have to start lifting some serious weights in preparation for next summer. As I took a picture of her helping Jack put his name on the reading goal bulletin board this morning, I realized this was becoming an annual thing:




He was more than a little excited. This year he read 50 new books, which took us quite a while since he likes to read the same books over and over.
And onto the giveaway....This time I am including something for all ages. For the littles, there is Caps for Sale.
For kids who are a little older, there is Ruby Holler, by Sharon Creech (who wrote my most favorite children's book ever, Walk Two Moons).
And for adults, there's Before You Kindness, by Chris Bohjalian. This doesn't have the end twist like Midwives or The Double Bind, but it's still a pretty good read.

If you would like to win these books, just leave a comment on this post telling us about your favorite book--it can be any type of book you want. Post your comment by midnight Sunday night and I will draw a winner. Good luck!


  1. What a neat thing for Jack! Is that at your local library? How fun!
    Growing up I LoVED Charlotte's Web. I read it several times over and over. Each and every time, I was so sad when they were going to "do away with" Wilbur. It was overwhelming...and I'd read it before!
    Recently, I've really enjoyed several series. One that really touched me was the Yada Yada Prayer Group series. I also have loved the series that keeps going by Karen Kingsbury. It starts with the 'R' books, then moves onto the 'F' books with the same characters, then finishes up with the 'S' books. Those are my fun fiction books.

  2. My favorite book? Well, I don't think I have a favorite book. The best book I have EVER read I can't think of the name of (it was a long time ago). Edward Norton was in the movie based on the book. Oh well. I just love to read in general (that you already know). When I was little I loved "Are You My Mother?" and a little older I liked the Judy Blume books.

    ~ Denise

  3. Gone With The Wind! Have read it probably 10 the Southern mansions.......and love reading about the Civil War Era.
    I want to be entered in the drawing for the adult book.

  4. I would say my favorites growing up were Heidi and Little Women. When I was a little older Farewell to Arms was a definite favorite.

  5. Very cool! He is getting so big!

    My favorite book is good for all ages. I wasn't exposed to it until I took a Children's Literature class at OSU my junior year. The book is Ophelia's Shadow Theater by Michael Ende. Wonderful story, even better illustrations!
