Jack loves this magnifying glass. We can only hope that when it comes to science he will take after Jay and not after me. (Though as I like to remind Jay, I did receive the Outstanding Biology Student Award in 10th grade. He is completely mystified by this, and I have to admit that I am, too.)
I made up several scavenger hunt cards. Jack is becoming either competitive or lazy. He told me he saw a lizard bird, so that could count for two squares. He has plans for Penny (Jay's parents' dog) to help him find some lizards for real.
Maybe this isn't technically a nature activity, but I have to show you this giant hole I stepped in. And I mean giant--I fell in all the way up to my knee! It looked like some kind of animal hole, but thankfully I didn't see the animal that went with it. If I had, I am sure it would have merited its own blog entry.
Now that the weather is finally turning cooler I am hoping to get us out for more nature walks around home, and next month I am going to hear a speaker on the book Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder.
Love your ds response about seeing a bird lizard. Just proves he's a good thinker.