Tuesday, November 18, 2008


The last couple of weeks we have been learning about leaves. Due to the insane wind and some other things that kept popping up we didn't get as much done as I was hoping, but we still had a good time. A couple of the things we did:

We made a tree that changes from green...

...to pretty fall colors!

We also did a little cooking with an idea I found in Family Fun.

Ours don't look quite as pretty as they did in the magazine, but they were still delicious! We filled ours with chocolate chips and cream cheese. Yum!

Some of the books we read:

Leaves! Leaves! Leaves!

Fall Leaves Fall

In November

Fletcher and the Falling Leaves

Autumn: An Alphabet Acrostic

Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf

Leaf Man

When we're driving around I'm always pointing out pretty trees to Jack, and my love for the fall colors must have rubbed off. As we were out the other day, we had the following conversation:

Jack: Is it fall?

Me: Yes.

Jack: I love all the fall colors. I like red leaves and yellow leaves and orange leaves.

Me: Me, too!

Jack: (In a surprisingly hateful voice) I hate green leaves!

1 comment:

  1. Avery wants to know if there are any leaves that turn purple - I told him I thought there were, but I wasn't sure. Do you guys know?
