Apparently Grandma wants an update, so here are some pictures from the last few days. Jay is out of town frequently to deal with house and job things, we are constantly cleaning the house since it's on the market, and Alice wants to nurse every hour and a half (but not sleep for more than 20 minutes or so), so my blogging time is limited right now. Hopefully I will be able to post more frequently soon!
Spinning at the science museum
Alice being wild at a birthday party
Hanging out on Daddy's lap
Goofing off for the camera
Grape pox! Jack never gets tired of this.
Jack trying a frog float at a party
Alice impersonating Buddy Hackett
Jack with his new-to-him "rare film camera"--we'll see how long the film supply lasts!
How did you know that was Grandma's request? I didn't sign it I don't think!