Thursday, March 4, 2010


Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Life has been busy, and the littlest thing around here is officially and quickly on the move, so there is not a lot of time at the computer for much more than a quick check of Facebook and email here or there. I have messages almost a week old that I still haven't answered, which is pretty rare for me.

Alice got a new bed this week, and I am hoping that she will learn to sleep in it more and more (as opposed to on me), so hopefully I will have more free time and there will not be too much of a lull in posts.

To keep you entertained in the interim, here are a couple of blogs I have started reading lately. You know, in all my spare time. NieNie Dialogues is well known, and you have most likely seen Enjoying the Small Things, too. Enjoy, and hopefully I will have some more up here soon.

Now Alice has toppled the entire stack of Wild Animal Baby magazines and is eating one. Did I mention she was a goat?


  1. I love the new header! She is one cute little goat!

  2. The new header is indeed adorable.
    Read this: perfect timing for your post.
