Saturday, March 27, 2010

Learning Lately

I'm certainly not as organized about it as I was before Alice, but we have been doing a lot of learning lately. There was a rainforest unit.

One night we tried different rainforest foods.

We made a mural of rainforest animals.

During our unit on bears, we learned how a bear's fat keeps it warm.

We did some Dr. Seuss activities and went to a Dr. Seuss party at the library.

The same week we were learning about the body, we got to visit a walk-through model of the heart!

With our homeschool group, we had an Africa day where we learned about Uganda and we made fruit salad at the end.

The next week we had Guatemala day. This picture makes me laugh every time. Why is he so surprised at how good a chocolate covered banana is?

Last week we rowed The Bee Tree and a beekeeper came to our homeschool group.

For a snack one day we had biscuits and honey like they do in the book. When Jay got home from work, Jack told him how we had potatoes and honey for snack. Details, details.

This week we are doing some Easter activities and keeping on with our math and reading. Just this evening, Jack pointed out QUICK on the fridge, so something is sticking!

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