I should've taken a pic of my dining room table this afternoon. It looked about the same as yours! I was working on a menu and then decided to make a new binder. It's not finished. Is yours?
But what about my system that you observed? Don't you have a drawer full of recipes written on napkins, paper towels, receipts, etc? Didn't I teach you that system? RWBGMA
I should've taken a pic of my dining room table this afternoon. It looked about the same as yours! I was working on a menu and then decided to make a new binder. It's not finished. Is yours?
ReplyDeletemmmmm cheez-its!
ReplyDeleteBut what about my system that you observed? Don't you have a drawer full of recipes written on napkins, paper towels, receipts, etc? Didn't I teach you that system? RWBGMA