Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Parent Day was a couple of weeks ago at the kids' gymnastics classes. My mom took lots of pictures of Alice's class for me.

The first part of the class is free play. Alice is one of the few who isn't walking yet, but she is starting to enjoy crawling around and trying the different equipment. It makes it hard when Jack has class, because Alice is determined to join in.

Later there is circle time. Alice *LOVES* rhythm sticks.

Trying a forward roll with Mrs. Patti

Jack's class was harder to photograph since he can move so quickly. Lots of my pictures were blurry!

Handstands on the wall

Working on a back flip

At the end of the class, each child got to choose one thing to demonstrate. Jack decided to do a cartwheel for his baby sister.

Jack has had a lot of fun in class this year. He's still trying to decide on activities for next year, but Alice will definitely continue--you can't beat a free class!

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