Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mr. Hoppy

One morning last week we were leaving for VBS when I heard a thump above my head. After I stopped yelling and jumping, I looked and saw this little guy. Jack named him Mr. Hoppy.

He was still there when we got home, so Jack caught him and played with him.

According to our nature guide (we are nerdy homeschoolers, you know), Mr. Hoppy is a green tree frog.

These frogs are also sometimes called rain frogs, which makes sense if you look at the clouds in this picture.

He was pretty good at hiding in the grass, but Jack was a pretty good finder.

After playing for much of the afternoon (even on the swingset, poor frog!), Jack decided to let Mr. Hoppy go free. We are keeping an eye out for him on rainy days now!

1 comment:

  1. Elijah and him would get along so well!! He loves nature too! I absolutely love your new header pic....the look in his eyes is priceless!
