Friday, September 9, 2011

Our Town

This week we've been rowing They Were Strong and Good, and one of the lessons is on how a town changes over time. This was the perfect time for a trip to our town's historical society museum!

The first thing we saw was a cabin that was originally located not too far from our house!

This is the actual cabin! They took it apart and labeled all of the pieces and then rebuilt it--they did have to slightly modify the size for the room, but it is the original structure. I was expecting a couple of rooms of odds and ends artifacts, but I was really impressed by the displays.

Jack liked the jail display.

Alice liked the desks, but she wasn't sure what to think of those kids back there.

They had an area all about coal mining in the town. I wish I had known about this when we rowed The Rag Coat last year!

Alice loved watching the train model. Every time she saw the end she would say, "There's 'boose!"

I am forbidding Jack to ever go to a casino. He was obsessed with this roulette wheel. He said it was his favorite thing in the whole museum!

A World War I memorial quilt with local soldiers' names

An early dentist's office

One room was all about early tribes in the area. Alice loved the music that was playing and danced all over the place!

Jack immediately spotted the stickball display. Ever since he learned about it this summer, he's on the lookout at museums!

A display about Main Street

After the museum, we went down the street to the chocolate shop.

Enjoying some (super expensive) chocolate--next time I will get them a bag of M&Ms!

Our last stop on Main Street was a statue we've driven by many times but have never stopped to visit. This is supposed to represent a family from the time the town was founded, a little over a hundred years ago.

We had a great time exploring our town!