Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Happy Birthday, Alice June!

 I love your confidence.

 I love your creativity.
(Fridge art by Alice)

 I love that you love your brother so much you can't stand to leave him at class.

I love to watch you ride your bike.

 I love that you want to try whatever you see me doing.  (Most of the time, at least.)

 I love that you love girly things like pedicures.

 I love that you are beautiful.

 I love to hear you tell your babies the same things we tell you.

I love your dances.

I love that if I am able to get you to wear shorts, you will quickly ask if you can put on a beautiful dress.

I love that you are ours. 
Happy third birthday!


  1. Happy Birthday, Alice! Wow- I can't believe she's 3 already! Loved this blog post- special and beautiful. So fun to see all the pics.

  2. What a sweet way to honor Alice! Love it- Angela Braggs
