Monday, October 8, 2012

The Kitchen is Open

The Grand Canyon, June 1994

The Brainerd Family

Unless you've known me quite a while, you might be wondering what these two pictures have to do with each other and what either one has to do with cooking.  For four years, I paid for choir trips (to Washington, Oklahoma prisons--really!, Alaska, and California) by selling homemade cookie dough.  My parents and I spent many, many evenings making huge batches.  How huge?  When I asked my mom for her peanut butter cookie recipe, it was for six times the normal amount.  I had to cut it in half because I don't own any bowls that big.

What does that have to do with the Brainerds?  Ami and Jason are the owners of Homeschool Share, and if you've read this blog for any amount of time, you know how much I love the resources there.  Of course, I could be a little biased since I also write for the Homeschool Share blog, but really, HSS is such a wonderful (FREE) resource for homeschooling families.  But I digress (as I often do).  

The Brainerds are in the process of adopting a sibling group of three from Colombia.  If you want to read more about the specifics, you can read this post, but let me share with you one huge detail about almost any kind of adoption.  It's expensive.  Crazy expensive.  And you can help them by eating cookies.  After 18 years (yes, I'm old!) I'm opening the kitchen back up to help the Brainerds raise money for their adoption fund.

What are your choices?

For $3.50, you can buy a pound of peanut butter cookie dough or a pound of snickerdoodle cookie dough.  If you buy two pounds of either kind (or one of each), it's just $6.

For $4.00, you can buy a pound of chocolate chip cookie dough or a pound of oatmeal cookie dough.  If you buy two pounds of either kind (or one of each), it's just $7.

For $4.50, you can buy a pound of chocolate chip with nuts or a pound of oatmeal with nuts.  And guess what?  If you buy two pounds of either kind (or one of each), it's just $8.

(And you're not limited to just two pounds.  Buy four.  Or six.  If you'll buy it, I'll make it.)

All of the dough is homemade and will be delivered to you frozen.  The chocolate chip cookie dough is frozen into a bar so you can cut off a little (or a lot) at a time and put it back in the freezer for later.  All other kinds of cookie dough are rolled into balls, so you can make just the right amount.  All profits will go to the Brainerd's adoption fund.

And if you don't like cookies or you don't like my cooking or you're on a diet or you live in another state, you can still help out.  If you visit Ami's blog you can donate with PayPal.  If everyone who read this gave just $5, it would make a huge difference!  If you do like cookies and you live in the Tulsa metro (or the OKC metro, if you don't mind waiting until I make a visit), please email me or send me a message on facebook and I will be glad to bring them to you!

Please consider buying cookie dough--it's great to have in the freezer for your family to snack on and is an easy way to bring homemade treats to get-togethers.  I cannot tell you how much Ami has given to so many and this is a wonderful chance to help her out, too, because this is such a huge task to tackle alone.  And really, how many times do you get to feel good about eating cookies? 


  1. My name is Jessica and my husband and I are in the middle of the adoption process. I am an avid baker and love the idea as we enter the holidays of selling cookie dough to raise funds for our adoption. Would you be willing to email me and tell me the cost of making the dough? I am working on my end to figure that out but have never made in large quantities like this and am wondering how much you actually make on each pound sold. I'd love a little direction to see where I am right or off. Our website is and our email is Thank you.

  2. I love this idea. My husband and I are starting to embark on the road to adoption and researching fund raising ideas, as the cost of it all is overwhelming to us. Is there any possibility you would be wiling to share some tips or recipes with me through email? You are a really great friend for doing this!!

  3. If you're willing to share recipes and cost information, I'd really, really appreciate it, too! We just brought home two older boys from China last December and are traveling again this January or February to bring home our daughter from China. Funds are super dooper tight, and this looks like a perfect fundraising option for us. Please email me at, if you're willing to provide a bit more information!

  4. I'd love it if you'd share your costs and recipes (& tips) with me as well! :) We are embarking on the journey of adopting from China and need to raise and 2/3 of the adoption cost. We have stepped out on faith and know God will provide the way for us to finance the remaining part. Thank you for such a great idea!!
