Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Get-Togethers

 Christmas Eve started quietly here.  We watched Home Alone 2 and Alice fell asleep right at the end.

 We let the kids open one gift on Christmas Eve.  Jack got the graphic novel version of A Wrinkle in Time and Alice got some Princess and the Popstar figures, which she said she had wanted her whole life!

 Ready for the traditional Christmas Eve party!

 Christmas morning we let the kids come down at 7:00--though Jack had been awake and ready for a while!

 I love this picture of Jack thanking Alice for a picture she drew for him!

 Jack got Jay these Pez dispensers.

 Jack was super excited to get some Harry Potter LEGO sets he has wanted for a long time.

 Alice got a Popstar dress that she really wanted!

 At noon we went to my mom and dad's to have lunch and open presents.

 My sister brought crackers for everyone.

 Jay's joke seemed to be customized!

 Alice in her crown.

 The big kids played Looping Louie.

 Alice helped Grandpa play with his new phone.

 Later in the afternoon we went over to Jay's parents' house.  Jack passed out everyone's gifts.

 Alice helped her new baby walk.

Checking out the Christmas village with Papa.

Thankfully the bad weather missed us and we were able to get everywhere without any problems!  I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

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