Friday, February 15, 2013

Fun Friday: Old Friends

 Birthday party, 2008

 The same three boys, birthday party 2013

 We got to spend much of the day with old friends, first at lunch, then playing, and then at a birthday party.

 The kids hadn't been to a Little Gym party here, so it was fun!
 Alice is not always thrilled about group settings, but she followed the teacher's directions and did a somersault for her turn to perform.

 Funny boys!

After the party the kids got to spend the night at Grandma and Grandpa's and Jay and I got to go out to dinner and to Kohl's to spend our Kohl's Cash.  I got some new shoes and t-shirts and some pajamas for Jack and a shirt for Alice.  Jay got dress socks.  We're pretty crazy like that.

 When I got home, I found my new bracelet had arrived.  Go here to get one and help bring a little girl home to her family.

Happy Friday!

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