Unrelated picture of Alice in a cookie trance.
- order summer clothes for the kids (Don't forget to google for discount codes!)
- arrange lunch dates
- look up old videos on YouTube
- order books
- try Alice's Hello Kitty lip gloss
- send emails
- play with a glitter wand
- import blogs to bloglovin'
- look at hysterical pictures
- watch Splash (I can't believe I'm admitting that.)
- google Joey Lawrence's Hair because, whoa. And not in a good way.
- try to remember who I've hidden from my news feed and see what they're up to
- remember why I've hidden people from my news feed
- clean the bathroom light fixture
- dust the living room
- watch (several episodes of) NCIS
- get a bajillion free books for the Kindle (thanks to this site)
Jack hanging out next to Leo's terrarium. He says he's going to make it into a terror-arium at Halloween. I love that kid.
I especially love that you decided to try on Hello Kitty lip gloss & confess that you played with a glitter wand. ;)