Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Artist Study: Cezanne

 Our latest artist study was on Paul Cezanne.

 We started here.

 The Laurence Anholt artist books are really enjoyable.  We also checked out a few random books from the library--nothing really notable, but it's always nice to be able to flip through and see lots of examples.

 Cezanne was known for his still life pictures so we tried our hand at a couple of different projects like this one from Art in the Big Green Room.

We also tried this project from Art with Mrs. Smith that I really enjoyed--the kids, not so much, but the lesson was geared toward 6th graders, so I guess that's understandable!

Speaking of artists, have you seen the new Tea Time series at the Homeschool Share Blog?  There are ideas and printables for artists, poets, and composers--and all for free!

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