Tuesday, November 12, 2013


 Last month Alice learned about pumpkins!

 She did a little pumpkin report.

 This is her pumpkin collage and her minit book about what plants need to live.  We did the same celery demonstration Jack did a few years ago, but I seem to have forgotten to take any pictures!

 On the left is her pumpkin circle based on the book Pumpkin Circle.   On the right is her seed estimation.

 We grouped the seeds by tens and then counted our groups.

 We did this pumpkin piece graph one day (this is linked in this post I did about graphing at MetroFamily) and Alice loved it!

 We asked friends on Facebook to tell us their favorite kind of pumpkin dessert and then made a graph showing the results.

 This is Alice's drawing of the pumpkin she cut open during our unit!

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