Thursday, February 20, 2014


 Wednesday morning when the kids woke up we surprised them with the news that we were going to spend the night at a hotel.  Jay's sister had a free room at the Hard Rock she wasn't going to use and asked if we wanted to use it, so we said yes!  When we got to the hotel, though, there had been a fire and all the rooms were taken, so they gave us a room at the Holiday Inn across the highway and we could go back over to swim if we wanted.  The kids waited fairly patiently for the shuttle to come get us.

 They thought riding the shuttle was fun, but Jack didn't want any strangers to sit next to him!

 At first I thought the kids weren't going to have much fun in a small pool, but then we discovered that it connected to the outside!

 It was kind of chilly, so we didn't spend too much time outside, but Jack liked going back and forth.

 Alice liked the hot tub!

 We went back to our room for a while.

 Then it was back over to the Hard Rock for dinner.

 We ate at Toby Keith's.

 Alice was so worn out she didn't even make it through the meal!

 When we got back to our hotel, Jack had a tooth to leave for the Tooth Fairy--and he has another one tonight!

It didn't take long for him to fall asleep, either!

We had such a fun time!  Thanks, Shannon!

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