Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Dinosaurs Unearthed

Jack and I went to the zoo this morning to see the Dinosaurs Unearthed exhibit. It was very much like the one we saw at the Omaha Children's Museum last August, except that this one was free (yay, OKC!) and that one was air-conditioned (yay, Omaha!). The t-rex was so big I couldn't get it all in the picture! Also, a warning for any other 7.5 months pregnant women in flip-flops planning on going to this exhibit: It is at the very back of the zoo, so buy a tram ticket. I wish I had thought of that!

Jack was very excited that the misters have been turned on again. He ran to the first one that he saw, only to find that it wasn't working. His response? "What does a kid have to do to get cooled off around here?"--said very indignantly, of course. It was 93 degrees, so we were glad to eventually find one that was working!

We had to stop for a sno cone, too. It took him a very long time to finish which gave me a very long time to sit and rest!

There will be more zoo pics soon along with other pictures from our pond unit that we will be finishing tomorrow!

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