Saturday, April 25, 2009

Field Trip Season

It's that time of year again: Field trip season. Wherever you go, trillions of elementary students are there, too, screaming and pushing and supposedly making some kind of educational gains. Whatever. I usually try not to go too many places in April and May, but this year I am trying to get in lots of outings before we're possibly stuck at home with a newborn. I am just not sure how mobile we'll be for a while. Friday we went to the children's museum, along with half of the 6 to 10 year olds in Oklahoma.
Jack wanted to start outside since it was less crowded. He played on the ship for quite a while and then relaxed on the big playground.

Doing a little shopping at the grocery store.

Working on a bone puzzle.

Jack got a big kick out of the different mirrors.

Since the weather was nice, we took a ride on the train!

We ended up staying just a couple of hours since it was so busy, but we had a good time. Hopefully some of the places we go in the next few weeks will be a little less crowded!

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