Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Climber

At our old house, we had this just beyond our back yard. That little boy in the orange shirt is Jack (age 2) the week they installed the new play equipment.

Many a morning (and afternoon and evening) was spent at the park over the last 3 years we lived there.

When we moved, something was missing.

So the men decided to remedy the situation. Jay's Uncle Jeff (with help from Jay's dad) built the kids a climber.

The first weekend, they put up the poles. This looked kind of dangerous and at one point, I looked out the window just in time to see my father-in-law get a head injury. Thankfully, it wasn't serious.

They built two elevated sides joined by a beam for swings.

And those swings were put into use as soon as they were up!

The first night, it was pretty late before Jack was ready to come inside.

Alice sometimes gets relaxed enough in her swing to doze a bit. She wakes up when you take her out, though, because her chubby little legs get sweaty and stick to the seat, leaving no way on earth to get her out gently.

The slide works even better with water.

The last part to go up was the playhouse.

While the grown-ups worked, the kids stayed cool under the other end of the climber.

And last Tuesday evening, Uncle Jeff put the latches on the playhouse door!

As I was getting the pictures ready for this post, I realized I don't have any full shots of the completed structure or any of the rock wall, so look for those soon!

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