Monday, June 14, 2010

The Family Party

Last week we had our families over for a cookout to celebrate the kids' birthdays. This was the first time we have hosted that large of a group and it went surprisingly well!

Alice was mildly interested in her presents. She got two baby dolls and several baby doll accessories. She is awfully cute when she loves her babies.

Jack got games, toys, walkie talkies, and a magic kit. Oh, yeah. And a little thing called Snake Mountain--complete with a Snake Face figure. (I love the look on my nephew's face here.)

Alice had cupcakes. Since we only have two temperatures here (freezing and boiling), the icing was getting pretty melty.

Jack had a treasure map cake. He helped me with the waves. The compass rose had a 6 in it, but the foil stuck to it and took it off.

We're not too big on messy cake eating, so I took the icing off and gave Alice a plain cupcake. She seemed to like it.

We sent everyone off full of candy.

Thank you all for coming to celebrate with us!

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