Sunday, December 26, 2010

From Our House to Yours

Merry Christmas!

We did a lot of celebrating this year, so grab a cup of coffee and get comfy.

Christmas Eve was the annual gathering of the neighbors from the street where Jay lived as a child.

Jack passed out around 10:30; Alice is just trying to do what he's doing. In reality, she was still going when we left the party around 11:30.

By the time we got home, both kids were out.

Jay and I got to work on the Christmas preparations.

I know this isn't the most Christmasy picture, but it makes me laugh. It looks like Hordak is leading a Horde parade and trying to get the onlookers to cheer, doesn't it? Or maybe I am still a bit delirious from all of the celebrating.

Jack enjoyed his presents.

Alice did a pretty good job, too. And we actually have photographic evidence of it this year.

It didn't take her long to start eyeing Jack's He-Man stuff--or as she calls it, Me-Man.

One of my favorite pictures from Christmas morning.

I think this may be my most favorite Christmas picture ever. He was so surprised.

We headed over to my parents' house for lunch and more festivities. Jack got Zookeeper, so he took it to show my mom, who loves Bejeweled. (And you can see Alice in the background getting my dad to take off her socks.)

Alice and Jack and their cousins--You can tell from the boxes behind them that these poor children are seriously deprived.

Pogo stick! I hope this doesn't come back in a later post about an ER visit.

Alice loves her dress up jewelry!

Playing a new game

We went over to my aunt's on Christmas night, but I only have a few blurry pictures of the kids spinning around the living room. I was so tired by the time we got home!

Today Jay's sister and her family came over to finish up the celebrations. I am almost sick of ham. Almost.

Trying out Jack's new game

The boys used Jack's new chess board tonight for the first time.

Tomorrow we do nothing!

I hope you and yours had a wonderful Christmas!

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