Saturday, August 27, 2011

Still Not Back to School / Starting School

Living in the boonies, we are in the odd situation of (technically) living in Town A but being part of Town B's school district. We do pretty much everything in Town A, though, which is why I was caught off guard when Town B started back to school a couple of weeks ago. Town A started back Thursday, and since that is where most of the people we know go, we had our official Not Back to School celebration.

We started off at IHOP for breakfast with friends and then moved on to the splash pad.

No crowds and the weather was just about perfect.

Friday morning, though, I loaded up the kids and took Jack to school. After a year of speech therapy when he was 4, he tested out, but it looks like it's time to start it up again, so he will be heading to the elementary school he would be attending (you know, if he weren't going to the splash pad) for speech--and we found out his speech teacher was homeschooled! After his evaluation was done, we tried out a nearby park since both kids were dying to get on the playground at the school.

Jack would probably tell you that the best thing about the morning was finding out that the splash pad was still on. For me, it was the look on Jack's face when he thought he was going to be drugged at the school. We were waiting in line behind a couple of kids and their dad and the girl was supposed to take some medicine before she went to class. The dad was getting on to her and saying, "You'd better get over here and take your medicine!" and then the nurse came out and got on to her about it, too. Jack looked up at me, horrified, and asked if he was going to have to take medicine, too. I could hardly keep from busting out laughing because it was clear he thought this was going all wrong. Hopefully he will find that the drug-free speech sessions aren't too awful!

1 comment:

  1. This post makes me happy! After 4 years in the College of Education at OU, we are such rebels.
