Thursday, December 22, 2011

Pinterest Fun

Remember these guys we made? They were just one of the ideas I tried out from Pinterest this year. (I know I said I wasn't going to look around at other ideas there, but I just got sucked in by all the cool ideas!) My creations were not nearly as glamorous as Lisa's, but we had fun!

Pillow nativity set--Alice has loved this!

Felt tree for the school room

Jack and I did this fun art project one day. Since it doesn't look too Christmasy, we'll probably leave them up a while.

I've gotten lots of great ideas for our New Year's Eve bags, so I'll get started on those Monday!


  1. Oh my gosh, I love everything Nativity and those pillows are awesome!!

  2. You are totally making me miss having little kids! (Well, that, and thinking that it's time to cave and finally join pinterest.)

    Great job!
