Friday, September 6, 2013

The Annual Aquarium Visit

 Today we went for our annual aquarium visit.  Each year they have coupons for kids' tickets in the summer reading program booklets, so we go after public school starts.  It's fairly expensive, so this is the only time we go each year.  (I really thought this picture was in focus, but when I put it on the computer I noticed that it was blurry and the kids don't appear to be looking at the camera.  Whatever.  There's always next year!)

 In the past, Alice hasn't been too crazy about the touch tanks, but she loved them this year!
 Feeding the shrimp

 Since our visit last year, they have opened the Extreme Amazon exhibit.  You can crawl into a small area that has windows to view the fish from another angle or you can climb up little viewing tubes.

 Can you spot Alice in the tube?

 Jack in the aquarium!

 I didn't even notice this window for a while!

 Alice found another touch tank!

 She was finally lured away from the starfish by this funny guy.

 Jack came running back from the ray touch tank to tell me about one of them flopping all over.  I wonder if it was the same one that we've seen before.

 I waited a bit and he jumped up at me!

Of course we had to watch him do it over and over!

We had a picnic afterward and then headed home to escape from the heat that has finally arrived now that it's September.  Hopefully this weekend I will be able to post a bit about our first couple of weeks of school!

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