Friday, June 13, 2014

Bug Out (And More!)

 Thursday we took the day off from VBS and headed to Oklahoma City for the Bug Out.

 In the past it has always been held in May, but they moved it to June this year.  Since school kids could come now, it was MUCH more crowded than usual.

 We still had a good time, though!

 I love her expression in this one!

 They had some different creepy crawlies you could touch, too.  Neither one of the kids was too sure about this container full of dead tarantulas!

 Climbing the walls!


 The kids love the Children's Garden, so we spent some time there, too.

 I love this one!

 Cooling off!

 We had lunch at our usual Bricktown spot and fed the ducks afterward.

 We spent a little time at the zoo, too--mostly in the Children's Zoo because we were hot and tired.  The kids love the lorikeets and Jack can always get them to climb on him.

 Alice was very patient and finally got this one to hop on her arm for a bit!

We wrapped up the day with a movie at the park!  It was a long day, but a lot of fun!

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