Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Happy Birthday, Jack!

 This picture pretty much sums up how I feel about the fact that Jack is 10 today.  It seriously seems like he should still be that size.

 Somehow, though, it's been 10 whole years since he was born.  10 years full of laughter and smiles and hugs and cuddles and absolute joy.  I cannot imagine life without this sweet boy that I love so much.

 It only seemed fitting to celebrate a decade of motherhood by being awoken at 4:30 this morning.  Jack had been up since 2:09 reading the third Harry Potter book.  I finally got up at 5:00 and convinced him to try to sleep a little more since he had had less than four hours and he still had a full day ahead of him.

 When he got back up, we surprised him with his gift.

 One happy boy!

 4:30:  He's officially 10!
 The bulk of his day was spent at VBS and playing with cousins, but when he got home, he got to work on his new set.

This evening he worked on his birthday cake for his party tomorrow.

Happy birthday, Jackabooter!  I am so glad you are ours!

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