Sunday, October 19, 2014


 There's no Weekly Wrap Up post for last week because aside from our trip to the Oklahoma History Center, we spent most of our time camping.

 The kids loved the swings my dad put up for them.  

 We had the same site we had a couple of years ago, so it was fun to look back at the pictures and see that they still enjoyed most of the same things!

 Fishing with Grandpa!

 Alice caught a fuzzy caterpillar.

 She put it in her bug catcher and found it in a cocoon the next morning!

 They spent lots of time at the park.

 They took turns burying each other.

 They also cracked a bunch of pecans they found...

 ...and then roasted them.

 My favorite camping food?  Fried biscuits!

 There was also (a little) down time.

 Other than the nights getting a little chilly, we had beautiful weather.

 Saturday night we brought Hobo out for a bit.  This is the first time he's gotten to go anywhere other than the vet or dog class and he did very well.

Thanks for a great camping trip, Grandma and Grandpa!

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