Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Friends and Fun

Today we had a very busy day with friends. First up was a meeting with some FIAR friends at the Omniplex. (No, I will not be calling it by that other name. It is ridiculous.)
Jack went right to the water table, which was no surprise since he had been talking about it all morning. (I just realized this is actually a picture of the bubble table. Oh, well. Bubbles were stop number two.)

This time he tried the face painting, which was something he'd never done before. He wanted Duke on one cheek, Penny on the other, Lady on his forehead, and Popcorn on his chin. He then added a few accents. When we got home he had to wash it off, but he told me that face painting was going to be the first thing he did there next time. I am a little worried about him getting too close to a tattoo parlor. He could easily end up as one of those forwarded emails.

Another buffalo!

Since we were with older kids (8 and 6) we actually spent most of our time out of the little kids' area and we got to see a lot of fun stuff we had never seen before. When we left four hours later Jack was still having enough fun to say, "Double shucks!"

We came home for an hour and then it was off to our friends' house for a dinner playdate. It's always more fun to play with someone else's toys!

Rachel is quite the cook! We had homemade pizzas and she even managed to sneak some cauliflower into the sauce. Jack gobbled it right up!

Some of the dinner crew--we had 6 moms and 12 kids!

After all of that, I was pretty sure Jack would be as exhausted as I was, but of course that was not the case. He still managed to take a long bath, watch a cartoon, listen to a bednight story, and discuss time zones with me before falling asleep around 9:00.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Jen!
    You never cease to amaze me! You were an awesome teacher so of course you would be an awesome Mom! I can't wait for Monday!
    Love ya!
