Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Peanut, Peanut Butter! And Jelly!

Tonight Jack got to make his own dinner--PBJ! When I asked him if he wanted to make it you would have thought I had told him he could take the car around the block. I think he was most excited at the prospect of using a knife, but I gave him a spreader instead.
Step 1: Peanut Butter

Step 2: Jelly

Step 3: Mix

Step 4: Cheer

Step 5: "The chef made it for his own self!" I guess that means no sharing with Mama.

Step 6: Dig in!

Though we did go out for a couple of errands, today was much more relaxed than yesterday. We drew, played Scooby Doo, and read Gingerbread Baby about a jillion times.

My current organization project is the pantry, and though I don't have before and after pictures of the whole pantry, I did make sure to capture the spice "area" that gives me fits.

Before: 2 trays that don't hold anything

After: This nifty little lazy-susan dealio I found at WalMart

And that was pretty much it for our day. It got cold today and we may get a little snow tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Loved the chef in action! I need you to get my house organized.
