Sunday, September 30, 2012


 Somehow September is over and I'm still not ready for it.  Is it foolish to hope that the rest of the year will be different?  Here are a few pictures that I liked that never made it into posts--starting with Alice in a locker while she was waiting for Jack at PE.

 Dance night!

 Reading together

 Jay and I went to see The Birds.  I hadn't seen it in years and I had forgotten what a strange movie it is.  Speaking of birds, you should listen to Sparrow.  It's just awesome.

 Watching Little Bill while waiting at PE.  I love Little Bill and will probably still watch him when my kids are grown.  If I ever had a therapist she would need to sound like Phylicia Rashad.  It's just hard to get too riled up listening to her.

 Today we got together for Jay's mom's birthday and the kids decorated the cake.

 Alice's is the left and Jack's is the right.

 Alice dancing to Poker Face.  (I'm not going to link that so you're not tempted to get it stuck in your head.)

Can you spot the boy in the tree?

I'm hoping to get caught up on some school-related posts in the next couple of weeks.  I hope your September was great!

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