Our first artist of the month for this school year was Andy Warhol.
As usual, we loved the Getting to Know... biography. We also watched the DVD version of it, which was slightly different from the book. I also love the Great American Artists for Kids book--so many great ideas!
We checked these books out from the library but didn't read all the way through them since much of the content was similar to the other book we read and the Dropping in on Andy Warhol DVD we watched.
Both of the kids enjoyed these books, which were written by Andy Warhol's nephew. (I think that as soon as I type in "Artist Study" for the title, Blogger decides how many pictures it will rotate.)
Alice enjoyed this book, too.
We did this Handy Andy project one week.
I painted around the edges for Alice and she was able to do the rest all on her own!
I love how these turned out!
We talked about how Andy Warhol painted things he saw around him and I asked Jack to think of something he would like to draw. He decided on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and asked if he could do a repeated image like Warhol did but with different colors--which he did in each turtle's color. I was impressed!
We didn't get to many projects because September was a crazy busy month! I think I am going to switch the day we do it on so we can be sure to get more in. Check out my artist pinboard for more ideas!
the kids did a great job!