Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Learning Together: Weather

 When I was sketching out plans for the spring I decided it would be a good time to cover weather.  (I wrote a post about it for MetroFamily, too.)  Jack started with The Gullywasher.

 We also used The Bravest of Us All, illustrated by Brad Sneed, who we got to meet at Books to Treasure a few years ago!  Alice really liked this story.

 Alice started with A Rainbow of My Own.

 We also read The Storm Book.  (Ours is a used copy and it took me a long time to realize someone had put a smiley face sticker on it because I just glanced at it and thought it was the sun!)  I pulled several of the same weather books that Jack used when he learned about weather at this age, too.

 We read Planting a Rainbow and Alice made her own rainbow garden.  Her favorite rainbow book is What Makes A Rainbow?  She read it to me every day!

 We tried making our own rainbows (from this book)--You can read more about it here!

 We made rainbows using black glue and salt.

 And of course we talked about Noah (and worked our Noah's Ark puzzle and watched Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Noah's Umbrella)!

 We had a rainbow lunch one day.

We even had rainbow shakes for tea time!

We're done with our combined units for the year but I've been thinking of a few ideas for next year!

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