Tuesday, September 24, 2013

We Win Fabulous Prizes

 The little hotel arcade was the kids' favorite thing about the trip, I think.

 While Jay and I were at the concert Friday night, my mom and dad took them to the arcade and both of them won on the prize claw--Alice on her very first try and Jack on his third!  Jack said some day he was going to write about this in his autobiography and call the chapter "We Win Fabulous Prizes."  When Alice woke my mom up in the night for a drink of water she stayed up another hour talking about the prize claw.

 We went back the next day, but there were no prize claw masters.

 They wanted to go one more time before we left Sunday morning.

Jack put his last tokens in and won a ball!  They are never going to believe us now when we tell them they won't win on those things!

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