Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A Day in Stillwater

 You know what this kind of picture means, right?  We took a little road trip to Stillwater today for an upcoming MetroFamily article.

 Our first stop was Eskimo Joe's.  Right after I took this picture a school bus pulled up and Jack hightailed it right inside and asked for a table before the kids could get off the bus.

 Next we went to the Wondertorium.  This is such a fun place, but we hadn't made it back since our last trip two years ago, so it was nice to spend the afternoon there.

 I hope Alice is this excited about doing the laundry for real some day.

 Jack loves wheelchairs.

 Alice also enjoyed the store area as the cashier...

 ...and the customer.

 There was a group of little old ladies from a nursing home there to teach kids how to knit.  Jack sat with them for a while and actually knitted a little strip a couple of inches long--which means he is a much better knitter than his mother!

 Someone's going to be hitting her father up for a job in a few years.

 They also had a homeschool presentation on chemistry today.  I am pretty sure this is the expression I wore the entire time I was in chemistry in 11th grade.

 They did several experiments with baking soda and vinegar.

 They loved the dry ice.

 Glow in the dark hands!

 Later we made a stop at the Sheerar Museum.

 They have a huge button display--Alice thought Corduroy would have liked it.

 They have all kinds of stuff there related to Payne County and Stillwater, including the weirdest class yell I've ever heard.

 For supper we went to the original Hideaway.

 After dinner we walked around campus for a bit before our drive back home.

We had a great day!

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