Tuesday, December 11, 2012

It's Beginning to Feel A Lot Like Christmas

 At least for a day or two.  We all had coats on the hooks today, which is a big change from the 60s and 70s we've been having lately.  I wish it would last a bit longer.

 Sunday the kids helped decorate at my mom and dad's.

 We're loving hot chocolate.  Well, Jack has been loving it since October, even when it was still 80 degrees.  I was shocked when I read this entry from a few years ago about him not caring for hot chocolate.  Things have changed.  He loves to get the huge assortment at Sam's and must drink it from his TMNT mug.

 Today we went to see Santa at the mall and Alice actually enjoyed it--a big change from her first visit!

 She talked and laughed and didn't need Jack as a buffer.

 This is the same Santa we've seen every year since we've moved back and he's great.  He will talk to the kids for a long time--and of course Jack always has lots to say to him!

 After we visit Santa we always take a ride on the carousel.

Merry Christmas!

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