Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Vacation: Friday

We were pretty worn out by Friday. We stayed at the hotel for a while and the kids watched cartoons and played.

Our first stop was back to the library. Ms. Kim let the kids sign up for the reading program the day before and even let Jack check out five books on her card. I had a sore throat from so much reading, but we managed to completely finish two A to Z Mysteries in one day.

This was a much different experience than the one earlier this summer. As my friend Lauri pointed out, many libraries are facing budget cuts, but I have to say that budget does not make the difference at this library; it is the people. They make a big deal over every kid and the kids l.o.v.e. it. You can't really see it there, but on each kid's reading log is a note from Ms. Kim. Then they got to pick out stamps and decorate their logs. Alice seemed to like this.

Next the kids got to pick out their medals.

Jack getting his medal.

Alice getting her medal. I think she thought it was a necklace.

I was impressed that Ms. Kim could still boost Jack up that high.

Alice got to put her name on the wall, too.

The music class Jack used to attend was going on, so we joined in.

Obligatory buffalo picture.

Alice finally tried out the dinosaur dig.

Obligatory buffalo picture--Alice was asleep when I took the one of Jack.

During Jack's class, Alice and I went to El Chico and Alice practiced dipping chips.

We got back to the museum a little early and entertained ourselves by taking pictures.

I took a shot of Jack's class while he wasn't looking.

I guess the vacation/camp plan was a success because Jack asked to do it again next year before we'd even left the classroom! We got back to our house a little after 5:00 to find Jay cooking dinner--a perfect end to our week!

1 comment:

  1. What an AWESOME librarian!!!! And that cheesy smile of Alice's is too much. What a doll.
