Friday, May 11, 2012

Fun Friday: Bug Out!

 Today we went to the Bug Out at the Myriad Gardens.  Last year they were closed for remodeling, so Alice doesn't remember when she went before.

 Alice dumped all of her bugs from the first container on the floor.

 Jack finally made it a little further inside before releasing his bugs.

 Alice decided she was a little creeped out then and wanted me to empty her second container.

 The bug crowns they designed in the craft area!

 We had lunch at Arby's--the same Arby's we went to on Jack's 5th birthday.  They look a little different now.

 We saw lots of wildflowers on the sides of the highway (though my pictures are terrible!), which was a nice tie-in to last week's story.

Most of the way home, though, the kids looked like this.  Between a late night last night and a really early morning, we're all worn out!

Don't forget to check out this week's post at Metro Family

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