Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Homeschool Day at The Wondertorium

 I was thinking today that I should make a flip book of these road trip pictures.  Last Saturday marked one year since we got our new car.  Anyone care to guess how many miles we've put on it in the last twelve months?  It's a lot.

 We headed to Stillwater again and had lunch at Mexico Joe'sTwo years ago we stayed at a hotel across the street and Jack has wanted to eat there ever since, but it's never worked out until today.

 Then we were off to the Wondertorium.  Alice loves to play store there!

 She also loves the doctor's office, though Jack isn't always a very compliant patient.

 The main reason we went, though, was for the homeschool day presentation on Oklahoma history.

 The kids all helped label the map with the different tribes in the territory before the land runs started.

 They talked about the Boomers in the Unassigned Lands...

 ...and the Sooners, too.  (Those are the ones hiding out to get their land early.)

 They learned about the land run and counted down...

 ...and then everyone staked their claim!

 There were other land runs, too, which is why some of the tribes have been removed in this picture--I am sharing that with you so I remember it when I have to teach it again!

 The kids also got to try out some chores they would have had to do if they lived back then, like grinding wheat.

 Sewing on buttons!

 They had some different animal things there, too, and Alice was excited to see a squirrel print since she has been learning about squirrels!

 At the end, they churned their own butter.


In the Artist's Pad they had supplies for making spoon dolls, so we tried that out, too!

We had a great time!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THIS! When we study Oklahoma, we are going to focus on the Land Run. I will have to pick your brain on this FUN stuff!
