Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Week in Review

This week was supposed to be a relaxing week after last week's craziness. We got busy mid-week, but on Monday we stayed home all day. The kids made a clubhouse under the dining room table and Alice made them a picnic. She even invited Chewbacca (lower left corner of the blanket), though she calls him Little Bear or Good Guy.

Alice didn't nap all day, so when Jack found kites in the garage, we tried them out in order to keep her awake and happy through dinnertime.

I love the look on her face!

Tuesday morning we went blueberry picking. Alice (who insisted on wearing her way-too-small shoes from last year) was very excited to use the princess bucket for picking.

I'm not sure what he's doing, but he seems to be enjoying it!

When we got home from the berry farm, we played in the water.

Jack perfected his slide on his birthday present.

Wednesday was a sand-themed playdate.

The kids made sculptures from sand clay.

Thursday was full of errands, gymnastics, and the splash pad. We also celebrated our family's birthday.

Friday we took a road trip with my parents and my sister and her kids to the Cherokee Heritage Center. Alice really did seem to enjoy it, even if she looks like we tortured her here. Jack thought it was very cool to see information on a relative in the museum.

We had a picnic and the kids played in the creek.

Alice enjoyed the playground, too.

Last night wrapped up with a sleepover at Grandma's and Grandpa's--though Alice was done sleeping by 4:30. The weekend is going to be busy, so now I'm hoping that next week will be more relaxing!

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