Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The First Day of Summer

(Alice's baby adrift in the pool. This was the strangest picture from the weekend. Sadly, shortly after this picture was taken, a gust of wind flipped poor Baby out of the water and onto the concrete, but she appears to be fine and was willing to go swimming again last night.)

Though it hasn't even been a month since I posted my summer plans and we are still almost two months away from starting back up for the fall, I have found myself panicking about when I will get everything done. Somehow we are much busier than we are during the regular school year and I have found myself baffled by such menial tasks as when to get groceries. Last week it took me several days to get caught up on laundry because we were out so much, and I am never behind on the laundry. Looking back at my list, though, I think I'm doing okay, but I'm going to go ahead and update it to make myself feel better.

  1. Birthday parties: DONE!
  2. Activities: VBS is done, swimming lessons and playdates are ongoing. Camp is still in the distant future, but I'm sure it will be here before I know it.
  3. Reading: I have now read the entire Scumble River series. And Ghost Ship. And I found a new series last night at the library that I started while waiting in the doctor's office this morning. I'm behind on The Ministry of Motherhood and my copy of Educating the WholeHearted Child arrived today--a year after I pre-ordered it. I am pretty sure my book pile is never going to shrink.
  4. House stuff: I've hung a few things for the consignment sale, but the school room looks pretty scary right now. Today I was glad to find that a friend had dropped some things off on the porch while we were out because I would have been worried that her baby would have smothered in cat fur if we had been here to let them in. Egad.
  5. Visits with friends: DONE! But if you want to come see me, you can.
  6. Summer Adventure Box: We are opening about one item a week. We have really enjoyed Murder Mystery Mansion!
  7. Planning: I've saved all the stuff I want to print for the FIAR books we'll do next year. If I can get these units done, next year will go so much more smoothly!
Now I am feeling a little better about what I've gotten done, even if there is so much left to do!


  1. Oh! That new series looks so good!!! You're so good with your list. I'm just winging it. ha!

  2. Ummm I'm always always always behind on laundry. What's your secret?
