This year we did our New Year's Eve bags a night early so the kids could have a sleepover at my mom and dad's.
At 5:00 we did a photo scavenger hunt with pictures from the year.
I spy Jack in the lizard cage!
6:00 had a couple of different things.
While dinner cooked, the kids went through the memory jar.
So many fun memories to look back on!
Alice's pony tail from her big hair cut!
And the Golden Ticket!
We had 2018 pizza to eat!
At 7:00, we videoed interviews about the year and did some New Year's Eve mad libs.
8:00 was Minute to Win It games, starting with the Nutstacker.
They tried to bounce ping pong balls into the egg cartons and get three in a row.
Trying to get three ping pong balls to stick on the tape.
They had to get as many Froot Loops on a pipe cleaner as they could and then twist it into a bracelet using only one hand.
Trying to be the first to stack 25 pennies using only one hand.
At 9:00 we watched Zathura. (And while we were upstairs doing that, the kittens were downstairs turning on the laundry room sink!)
We took a break at 10:00 for ice cream and then finished the movie.
The 11:00 bag had Slapzi.
Players have to match their cards to different category cards.
The 12:00 bag had new message boards for the kids.
It also had noisemakers and hats!

Happy New Year!