Movie Time!
Today we took Jack to see a movie in the theater for the first time. (My first choice for the day was to go snow tubing, but since I'm pregnant and Jay messed up his back over the weekend, throwing ourselves down an ice-covered hill didn't seem like such a wise idea.) We finished reading The Tale of Despereaux last week, and as soon as we closed the book, Jack said, "Now we can go see the movie!" I had heard from several people that they thought the movie was extremely dark, but I didn't think so--especially compared to the book.
Outside the theater
Jack chose a big bag of M&MS from the concession stand.
The movie was quite a bit different from the book, but it was still enjoyable. After hearing some of her comments about the movie version of Because of Winn Dixie, I am curious to know what Kate DiCamillo thinks of this adaptation. You know, because I'm a nerd like that. Anyway, Jack had a good time and thinks we should go back again!
My kids really want to see this movie, but I want them to read the book first! If I let them watch the movie, the won't want to read the book, and well.. I am a nerd about reading books instead of watching movies! :)
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